What’s new in CommandCentral Storage 5.1
CommandCentralStorage 5.1containsandbuilds uponCommandCentralStorage
5.0 functionality, providing several new features.
Management and discovery
CommandCentralStorage5.1 introducesthefollowingmanagementand discovery
Enhanced agentless discovery of storage resources
If you do not install the CommandCentral managed host on hosts in your storage
network, theCommandCentral Management Server candiscover those hostsand
their connections to storage resources through agentless discovery.
The process involves creating a user-created host in order to associate the
unidentified adapter (HBA) discovered through switch discovery to the host to
which it connects. In previous versions of CommandCentral, you could do this
one host at a time. Now, CommandCentral 5.1 provides you with the ability to
create multiple hosts at once and to automate the process by creating rules and
importing information from a CSV file.
For moreinformation about thisfeature, seethe CommandCentralStorage User’s
Detection of configuration related changes to storage arrays
InCommandCentral Storage5.0MP1, explorersinitiatediscovery ofdevicesbased
on the explorer’s polling interval. The polling interval is the amount of time that
the explorer waits to initiate discovery of the device. For example, the polling
interval might be 180 minutes.
InCommandCentral Storage5.1,explorerscontinue toinitiatediscoveryof devices
basedon the explorer’spolling interval;however, forcertain arrayexplorers, you
can also enable change detection. When you enable change detection, explorers
listen to SNMP traps or frequently poll storage arrays—for example, every 15
minutes—in order to detect configuration related changes to that array—for
example, masking changes. When the explorer detects configuration related
changes to the storage array, the explorer initiates a full discovery of the array.
For example, if you enable change detection for EMC CLARiiON storage arrays,
by default, the explorer listens for SNMP traps from CLARiiON storage arrays.
When the explorer detects changes, it initiates discovery of the array. Because
the explorer discovers the changes in near real-time, CommandCentral Storage
can provide you with more up-to-date information about the storage array. In
contrast, if you do not enable change detection, discovery occurs only when the
9Getting started with the CommandCentral family
About Veritas CommandCentral Storage