■ View reports that provide an enterprise–wide view of the changes made to
your storage resources, a summary of the hosts and applications that have
policies applied to them, and details about violations, including the time that
it takes to resolve violations and the type of violations that have generated.
■ Display an overall view of the current state of your data center. With the
Dashboard, you can view graphs that detail the number of recent violations
and changes. This allows you to identify current impacts and helps you to
visualize storage change trends in your data center.
How CommandCentral Storage Change Manager works
TheCommandCentralStorageChange ManagerManagementServerandmanaged
hostsdiscover storageresourcesin yourdatacenter. Whenchangesoccur tothose
resources,CommandCentralStorage ChangeManagerdetectsandaggregates the
changes.Duringthe detectionprocess,CommandCentralStorageChange Manager
assessesthe changesagainstcustom policiesand bestpracticepolicies. Ifachange
violates a custom policy, CommandCentral Storage Change Manager generates a
violation. If a change violates a best practice policy, CommandCentral Storage
Change Manager generates a risk.
CommandCentralStorage ChangeManagerallowsyou tointeractwith thestorage
objectsit discovers,the changesit detects,andthe violationsit generatesthrough
its Console. You can also use the Console to manage custom policies and best
practice policies, configure devices, view reports, and manage user accounts.
About Veritas CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter
improves storage service management by aligning IT to business objectives.
Enterprise Reporter provides the following to business information executives
and storage administrators alike:
■ Global views of storage assets mapped to your organization
■ Business insights into inventory utilization
■ On-demand customized reporting
■ Personalized dashboards for multiple users
Enterprise Reporter provides a central reporting interface for your storage
infrastructurebyunifying informationfrommultipledatacenters andcategorizing
it alonglines ofthe business. Ifyou area business informationexecutive, you can
useEnterprise Reporterto viewyour storageenvironment attheenterprise level.
You can then drill down into your organization's hierarchy, which could be
Getting started with the CommandCentral family
About Veritas CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter