What's new in CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter 5.0 MP1
CommandCentralEnterprise Reporter5.0MP1 containsandbuilds uponprevious
Enterprise Reporter functionality, providing several new features.
■ Data rollup enhancements
■ Storage tier rule builder enhancements
■ Reporting enhancements
■ Security enhancements
Data rollup enhancements
Enterprise Reporter 5.0 MP1 includes enhanced data rollup features.
For more information about data rollup, see the CommandCentral Enterprise
Reporter Administrator’s Guide.
Inclusion of NetApp unified storage device data
EnterpriseReporternow rollsupinformationaboutNetApp unifiedstoragedevices
inyour datacenters.Depending ontheversions ofyourCommandCentral Storage
data sources, all or most of the following information about your NetApp unified
storage devices is available for you to report on: Multistore Virtual Systems,
volumes, qtrees, and shares.
You cannot roll up NetApp data fromCommandCentral Storage 4.3 Management
See the CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter Administrator’s Guide for more
information about the types of NetApp data that you can report on with each 5.x
version of CommandCentral Storage.
Inclusion of custom storage object attributes
When youperform datarollup fromyour CommandCentralStorage datasources,
youcan nowchooseto includecustom,user-createdstorage objectattributesthat
your storage administrators may have implemented within CommandCentral
Examplesof customattributesthatyour storageadministratorsmay definewithin
CommandCentral Storage include:
■ Physical location of a storage array
■ Warranty date for switches and storage arrays
■ Date of purchase
Getting started with the CommandCentral family
About Veritas CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter