Security enhancements
Enterprise Reporter includes additional security features.
SSL mode
Cognos now runs in SSL mode, enabling enhanced security.
User permission enhancements
EnterpriseReporter nowrestrictsactionsbased onthefollowing userpermissions:
■ Administrator
■ Read-write
■ Read-only
For more information about restricting actions based on user permissions, see
the CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter Administrator’s Guide.
Report access enhancements
You can prevent user types from reading, modifying,or running specific reports.
You might want to prevent users from executing a report to display a specific set
of data and not retrieve current report data.
For more information about limiting access to specific reports, see the
CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter User's Guide.
What you can do with CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter
Enterprise Reporter includes a global view of storage with the ability to roll up
information from multiple data centers into a single comprehensive
view—organizedbylinesofbusiness,geography,application, orothercustomized
views. It can help compare trends across continents, find the application
consuming the most storage in a particular data center, or locate the business
unit consuming more than its fair share of storage.
Storageadministrators canuse EnterpriseReporteralong withCommandCentral
Storage.While CommandCentralStorage providesan operationalview ofstorage
data primarily for storage administrators, Enterprise Reporter summarizes this
dataacross datacentersand integratesbusinessinformation, allowingfor aglobal
view for CIOs, directors, and business unit leaders.
For example, business leaders use Enterprise Reporter to identify storage trends
(such asan alarmingregional growth rateof tier 1storage). Then,administrators
use CommandCentralStorage tohelp ensure thatthe appropriate storageservice
is being delivered to the business.
25Getting started with the CommandCentral family
About Veritas CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter