when the SAN runs an unsupported HBA card or driver version, there is no
managed host attached to the HBA, or the Management Server is not configured
to communicate withthe managed host. Forstorage devices, this can occurwhen
no LUNs are visible to a managed host (usually due to zoning or LUN masking
unified logging A common logging library used by Symantec products and components to log
information about errors and other events. CommandCentral Storage users can
manageandviewtheselogsusingSymantec commonlogtools:hallog,vxlogmgr,
vxlogview, vxlogcfg, and vxloggen.
unified storage See NetApp unified storage
unused storage Storage to which data has not been written. Contrast with used storage
used storage The portion of storage allocated to a file system or database to which data has
beenwritten, expressedasaquantity (suchas10GB). Contrastwithunused storage
VAIL (Veritas Array
Integration Layer)
A single, unified means for presenting information about disk storage array
subsystems to a variety of storage management software products including the
CommandCentralStorageoffering. VAILhasaconfigurationtool—vaildiag—with
which you can configure VAIL providers to manage disk storage arrays.
VEA (Veritas Enterprise
A separate middleware server used by the SAN Access Layer and other processes
toprovide client-servercommunication.The VEAinfrastructureenables software
components toshare information aboutobjects, manage thoseobjects, andeffect
change on those objects.
Veritas Array
Integration Layer
Veritas Cluster Server
An open systems clustering solution that minimizes planned and unplanned
downtime, simplifies server consolidation, and allows the effective management
of a wide range of applications in multiplatform environments.
Veritas Cluster Server
A cluster consisting of multiple systems connected in various combinations to
sharedstorage devices.ClusterServer monitorsandcontrolsapplications running
in the cluster andcan restart applications in response to avariety of hardware or
software faults. A cluster is defined as all systems with the same cluster
identification and connected via a set of redundant heartbeat networks. Clusters
can have from one to 32 member systems, or nodes.
Veritas Cluster Server
service group
A setof resources working togetherto provide application servicesto clients. For
example, a Web application service group might consist of: disk groups on which
the Web pages to be served are stored; a volume built in the disk group; a file
system using the volume; a databasewhose table spaces are files and whose rows
containpage pointers;thenetwork interfacecard orcardsused toexportthe Web
service; one or more IP addresses associated with the network card(s); the
application program and associated code libraries. Cluster Server performs
49CommandCentral Glossary