The Scenes menu 29
The Scenes menu
The Scenes menu will be created from one of the sample media background
images and include a text object for the menu’s heading, three button frames that
will be linked to the chapters in the Boeing movie, and one navigation button
that will link back to the Main menu.
The buttons on the Scenes menu will be linked to their destinations in Chapter 4,
“Adding Navigation.”
Other ways to create menus
In addition to creating menus from background images, you can use the
following methods to create them. Refer to the DVDit Pro User Guide for
more information.
• Drag a template from the Palette window onto the “Drag media here to
create menu” icon in the Project window. A template is a complete menu
design, including background, buttons, text objects, and optional audio
• Create a menu in Photoshop that contains background and subpicture
layers. Import the Photoshop file to the Images tab in the Palette window
and then drag it onto the “Drag media here to create menu” icon in the
Project window.
• Instead of a background image, use a background color for the menu.
Right-click in the Project window and choose New Menu from the shortcut
menu. Click the Background Color button at the top of the Preview
window and select the menu’s background color.