LD Language Elements
SR2MAN01 11/2007 103
Use as a Contact The contact associated with the timer indicates whether the timer has stopped.
It may be used as many times as necessary in the program. It may be used
according to 2 modes: normally open or normally closed, described below.
Normally open mode:
Symbol of the normally open contact associated with a timer:
A normally open contact corresponds to the use of the direct state of the output of
the Timer function block If this output is active, the contact is said to be
Normally closed mode:
Symbol of the normally closed contact associated with a timer:
A normally closed contact corresponds to the use of the reverse state (logical
complement of the direct state) of the output of the Timer function block. If this output
is active, the contact is said to be non-conducting.
from Front Panel
The block's parameter settings can be accessed either when entering the command
line or from the PARAMETERS menu if the block has not been padlocked.
The parameters to enter are the following:
z Timer type,
z Preset value(s),
z Time unit,
z Parameter lock,
z Latching.
Type of timer:
This parameter allows you to choose the type of timer function from among the 11
types available. Each type is represented by a letter:
z A: Active, control held down,
z a: Active, Press to start/stop,
z C: Off delay
z A/C: Combination of A and C,
z B: On pulse one shot: Pulse calibrated on the command input rising edge,
z W: Timing after pulse: Pulse calibrated on the command input falling edge,
z D: Flasher unit, control held down synchronously,
z d: Flasher unit, Press to start/stop, Synchronous,
z L: Flasher unit, control held down asynchronously,
z l: Flasher unit; Press to start/stop, Asynchronous
z T: Time on addition.