SR2MAN01 11/2007 69
Backup Memory
→ Module
Procedure for transferring the application, from the backup memory to the smart
relay, for a smart relay with LCD and keyboard:
Procedure for transferring the application, from the backup memory to the smart
relay, for a smart relay without LCD or keyboard:
Step Action
1 Insert the EEPROM cartridge (SR2 MEM02) with the program to be transferred into
the slot provided.
Select the transfer type: MEMORY>ZELIO using the navigation keys .
3 Confirm the transfer command with the Menu/OK key.
4 Wait for the transfer to end.
Display: > > > MODULE then TRANSFER. OK when it is complete.
5 Confirm again by pressing Menu/OK to exit the menu.
Result: the display returns to the INPUTS-OUTPUTS screen in RUN mode and to the
MAIN menu in STOP mode.
Step Action
1 Since the smart relay is not powered-on, insert the EEPROM cartridge (SR2
MEM02) into the slot provided.
2 Power up the smart relay.
During the transfer, the LED display is off.
3 Wait for the transfer to end.
During the transfer, the LED display is off, then at the end of the transfer the LED flashes.
4 z If the flashing is slow (3 Hz), the transfer has been successful, the smart relay is in
RUN, remove the EEPROM cartridge (SR2 MEM02).
If the flashing is rapid (5Hz), the transfer has failed due to incompatibility between the
configuration necessary for the program to be transferred and that of the smart relay.
Note: When the smart relay is in STOP mode, the LED display is lit and does not