LD Language Elements
SR2MAN01 11/2007 127
Modifying the
Mode of a Coil or
a Contact
To modify the operating mode of a coil or a contact from the front panel of the smart
relay (the programming window displayed on screen), simply:
z Position the cursor on the symbol representing the coil mode or on the letter of
the contact,
z Proceed as indicated in the paragraph Modifying an element,, p. 44, to scroll
through the possible modes for a coil or contact types (K for normally open
contact, k for a normally closed contact).
Initialization Status of the contacts and current value on initialization of the program:
z The normally open mode (direct state) is inactive,
z the normally closed mode (inverse state) is active,
z The current value is zero.
Example Below, an example of using a fast counter: output Q1 is set to 1 when the fast
counter is set to 1; the counter is activated by input I3 and reset to 0 by input I4.