Implementing a Basic Application
SR2MAN01 11/2007
Other Elements Other elements are also available using a smart relay, such as:
z Timer function block: Used to delay, prolong and control and action for a set
length of time,
z Counter function block: Used to count the pulses received on an input,
z Clock function block: Used to trigger or release actions on precise days or at
precise times,
z Analog comparator function block: Used to compare an analog value with a
reference value or with another analog value after allowing for a hysteresis factor,
z Auxiliary relays: These are used to save or relay the status of the smart relay,
z Zx keys: After confirming this function, Z keys may be used as pushbuttons,
z Fast counter function block: The fast counter function is used to count pulses
up to a frequency of 1 kHz.
z LCD screen back-light function block: This is used to control the backlighting
of the LCD by a program,
z Summer/winter time change function block: The output of this function is in an
OFF state over the entire duration of winter time, and switches to ON for the entire
duration of summer time,
z Counter Comparator block: This function is used to compare the current
counting values of two counters,
z Text block: This is used to display text or numerical values (current value or
preset value).
Note: Blocks Counter Comparator and Text are not programmable from the front
Note: For the list of all ladder diagram elements available when using smart relays,
as well as details on their functions and parameters, see the chapter entitled LD
Language Elements, p. 87.