Sample Application
SR2MAN01 11/2007 179
Specification Analysis
Description Analysis of the specifications includes listing inputs, buttons, outputs and function
blocks necessary to complete the application.
Inputs Below is the list of inputs that the application will use:
Button Below is the list of buttons that the application will use:
Outputs Below is the list of outputs that the application will use:
Smart relay label Name
Input I1 Vehicle entry detection.
Input I2 Vehicle exit detection.
Inputs I3 and I4 Pushbuttons at pedestrian access points. They are used to light the
facility. One for the elevator and one for the stairway (no pedestrian
access is allowed via the vehicle entrance).
Analog input IB CO
level sensor.
Smart relay label Name
Function key Z1 Manually increments the number of vehicles in the car park.
Function key Z2 Resumes automatic entry control.
Function key Z3 Manually decrements the number of vehicles in the car park.
Function key Z4 Manually releases the entrance barrier.
Smart relay label Name
Output Q1 Indicates when the car park facility is full.
Output Q2 Locks the entry barrier (inhibits entry barrier opening) when the car park
is full or outside of opening hours.
Output Q3 Manually releases the entrance barrier.
Output Q4 Controls the polluted air extraction fan control.