Section 11 Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2
Page 618 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
11.8.4 Overview of Initialization Procedures and Mode Transitions in Case of Error
during Operation, etc.
When making a transition to a mode (Normal, PWM1, PWM2, PCM) in which the pin output
level is selected by the timer I/O control register (TIOR) setting, initialize the pins by means of
a TIOR setting.
In PWM mode 1, since a waveform is not output to the TIOC*B (TIOC *D) pin, setting TIOR
will not initialize the pins. If initialization is required, carry it out in normal mode, then switch
to PWM mode 1.
In PWM mode 2, since a waveform is not output to the cycle register pin, setting TIOR will
not initialize the pins. If initialization is required, carry it out in normal mode, then switch to
PWM mode 2.
In normal mode or PWM mode 2, if TGRC and TGRD operate as buffer registers, setting
TIOR will not initialize the buffer register pins. If initialization is required, clear buffer mode,
carry out initialization, then set buffer mode again.
In PWM mode 1, if either TGRC or TGRD operates as a buffer register, setting TIOR will not
initialize the TGRC pin. To initialize the TGRC pin, clear buffer mode, carry out initialization,
then set buffer mode again.
When making a transition to a mode (CPWM, RPWM) in which the pin output level is
selected by the timer output control register (TOCR) setting, switch to normal mode and
perform initialization with TIOR, then restore TIOR to its initial value, and temporarily disable
channel 3 and 4 output with the timer output master enable register (TOER). Then operate the
unit in accordance with the mode setting procedure (TOCR setting, TMDR setting, TOER
Note: Channel number is substituted for * indicated in this article.
Pin initialization procedures are described below for the numbered combinations in table 11.57.
The active level is assumed to be low.