Section 20 Controller Area Network
Page 998 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Important: When a message is received and a matching Mailbox is found, the whole message is
stored into the Mailbox. This means that, if the LAFM is used, the STDID, RTR, IDE and EXTID
may differ to the ones originally set as they are updated with the STDID, RTR, IDE and EXTID of
the received message.
STD_LAFM[10:0] — Filter mask bits for the CAN base identifier [10:0] bits.
STD_LAFM[10:0] Description
0 Corresponding STD_ID bit is cared
1 Corresponding STD_ID bit is "don't cared"
EXT_LAFM[17:0] — Filter mask bits for the CAN Extended identifier [17:0] bits.
EXT_LAFM[17:0] Description
0 Corresponding EXT_ID bit is cared
1 Corresponding EXT_ID bit is "don't cared"
IDE_LAFM — Filter mask bit for the CAN IDE bit.
IDE_LAFM Description
0 Corresponding IDE bit is cared
1 Corresponding IDE bit is "don't cared"
(3) Message Data Fields
Storage for the CAN message data that is transmitted or received. MSG_DATA[0] corresponds to
the first data byte that is transmitted or received. The bit order on the CAN bus is bit 7 through to
bit 0.
When CMAX!= 3'b111/MBC[30] = 3'b000 and TXPR[30] is set, Mailbox-30 is configured as
transmission of time reference. Its DLC must be greater than 0 and its RTR must be zero (as
specified for TTCAN Level 1) so that the Cycle_count (CCR register) is embedded in the first
byte of the data field instead of MSG_DATA_0[5:0] when this Mailbox starts transmission. This
function shall be used when this module is enabled to work in TTCAN mode to perform a
Potential Time Master role to send the Time reference message. MSG_DATA_0[7:6] is still
transmitted as stored in the Mailbox. User can set MSG_DATA_0[7] when a Next_is_Gap needs
to be transmitted.