Section 7 Interrupt Controller
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 177 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
7.5 Interrupt Exception Handling Vector Table and Priority
Table 7.4 lists interrupt sources and their vector numbers, vector table address offsets, and
interrupt priorities.
Each interrupt source is allocated a different vector number and vector table address offset. Vector
table addresses are calculated from the vector numbers and vector table address offsets. In
interrupt exception handling, the interrupt exception service routine start address is fetched from
the vector table indicated by the vector table address. For details of calculation of the vector table
address, see table 6.4 in section 6, Exception Handling.
The priorities of IRQ interrupts, PINT interrupts, and on-chip peripheral module interrupts can be
set freely between 0 and 15 for each pin or module by setting interrupt priority registers 01, 02,
and 05 to 22 (IPR01, IPR02, and IPR05 to IPR22). However, if two or more interrupts specified
by the same IPR among IPR05 to IPR22 occur, the priorities are defined as shown in the IPR
setting unit internal priority of table 7.4, and the priorities cannot be changed. A power-on reset
assigns priority level 0 to IRQ interrupts, PINT interrupts, and on-chip peripheral module
interrupts. If the same priority level is assigned to two or more interrupt sources and interrupts
from those sources occur simultaneously, they are processed by the default priorities indicated in
table 7.4.