Section 26 USB 2.0 Host/Function Module
Page 1534 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Table 26.28 Error Detection when a Data Packet is Received
Priority Order Error Generated Interrupt and Status
1 PID errors No interrupts are generated (ignored as
a corrupted packet)
2 CRC error and bit stuffing errors An NRDY interrupt is generated to set
the CRCE bit in both cases when the
host controller function is selected and
the function controller function is
3 Maximum packet size exceeded error A BEMP interrupt is generated to set
the PID bits to STALL in both cases
when the host controller function is
selected and the function controller
function is selected.
This module does not support High Bandwidth transfers. When the function controller function is
selected, this module operates as follows in response to the received PID.
(a) IN direction
DATA0: Sent as data packet PID
DATA1: Not sent
DATA2: Not sent
mDATA: Not sent
(b) OUT direction (when using full-speed operation)
DATA0: Received normally as data packet PID
DATA1: Received normally as data packet PID
DATA2: Packets are ignored
mDATA: Packets are ignored
(c) OUT direction (when using high-speed operation)
DATA0: Received normally as data packet PID
DATA1: Received normally as data packet PID
DATA2: Received normally as data packet PID
mDATA: Received normally as data packet PID