Section 11 Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2
Page 542 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
(1) Example of Complementary PWM Mode Setting Procedure
An example of the complementary PWM mode setting procedure is shown in figure 11.38.
Complementary PWM mode
Stop count operation
Counter clock, counter clear
source selection
Brushless DC motor control
TCNT setting
Inter-channel synchronization
TGR setting
Enable/disable dead time
Start count operation
[1] Clear bits CST3 and CST4 in the timer start register
(TSTR) to 0, and halt timer counter (TCNT) operation.
Perform complementary PWM mode setting when
TCNT_3 and TCNT_4 are stopped.
[2] Set the same counter clock and clock edge for channels
3 and 4 with bits TPSC2-TPSC0 and bits CKEG1 and
CKEG0 in the timer control register (TCR). Use bits
CCLR2-CCLR0 to set synchronous clearing only when
restarting by a synchronous clear from another channel
during complementary PWM mode operation.
[3] When performing brushless DC motor control, set bit BDC
in the timer gate control register (TGCR) and set the
feedback signal input source and output chopping or gate
signal direct output.
[4] Set the dead time in TCNT_3. Set TCNT_4 to H'0000.
[5] Set only when restarting by a synchronous clear from
another channel during complementary PWM mode
operation. In this case, synchronize the channel generating
the synchronous clear with channels 3 and 4 using the timer
synchro register (TSYR).
[6] Set the output PWM duty in the duty registers (TGRB_3,
TGRA_4, TGRB_4) and buffer registers (TGRD_3, TGRC_4,
TGRD_4). Set the same initial value in each corresponding
[7] This setting is necessary only when no dead time should be
generated. Make appropriate settings in the timer dead time
enable register (TDER) so that no dead time is generated.
[8] Set the dead time in the dead time register (TDDR), 1/2 the
carrier cycle in the timer cycle data register (TCDR) and
timer cycle buffer register (TCBR), and 1/2 the carrier cycle
plus the dead time in TGRA_3 and TGRC_3. When no dead
time generation is selected, set 1 in TDDR and 1/2 the carrier
cycle + 1 in TGRA_3 and TGRC_3.
[9] Select enabling/disabling of toggle output synchronized with
the PWM cycle using bit PSYE in the timer output control
register 1 (TOCR1), and set the PWM output level with bits OLSP
and OLSN. When specifying the PWM output level by using
TOLBR as a buffer for TOCR_2, see figure 11.3.
[10] Select complementary PWM mode in timer mode register 3
(TMDR_3). Do not set in TMDR_4.
[11] Set enabling/disabling of PWM waveform output pin output in
the timer output master enable register (TOER).
[12] Set the port control register and the port I/O register.
[13] Set bits CST3 and CST4 in TSTR to 1 simultaneously to start
the count operation.
Dead time, carrier cycle
PWM cycle output enabling,
PWM output level setting
Complementary PWM mode
Enable waveform output
Start count operation
<Complementary PWM mode>
PFC setting
Figure 11.38 Example of Complementary PWM Mode Setting Procedure