
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 57
Chapter 4: Working With Windows CE 5.0
The Startup Desktop
Double- tap on the appropriat e icon—either a fol der icon, a progra m icon or
a file i con— to ope n or l aunc h your sel ect ion.
If you’re usi ng the keyboard:
Use the arr ow keys t o hi ghli ght the icon you want to o pen or lau nch.
Press [ENTER].
4.3 The Startup Desktop
When the WORKABOUT PRO boots up, the startup desk top ( she ll) is dis played.
Any applicat ion s st ored in the Startu p fol der start up immediate ly.
Note: The startup folder is located in \Windows\StartUp and
\Flash Disk\StartUp.