
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (HHP)
164 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Check Digit
When this par ame ter is set to Validate only, the int egri ty of a s ymbol i s che cked to
ensure that it compl ie s wit h spec if ied algorit hms.
If “Check Digi t” is set to Validate and Transmit, the check digit i s val id ate d and
transm itt ed wi th t h e da ta.
Setting t h is para me ter to None disables t his function.
Minimum And Maximum Length
The length of a co de re fer s t o the number of character s ( i.e., h uman readable
characte rs), includi ng check digit (s). Double-tappi ng on these paramet ers displa ys a
screen in which you can set the minimum and maximum allowable code lengths – 1
to 80.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . Matrix 2 of 5
Set th is p aram et er to on to enabl e “Matr ix 2 of 5”.
Minimum And Maximum Length
The length of a co de re fer s t o the number of character s ( i.e., h uman readable
characte rs), includi ng check digit (s). Double-tappi ng on these paramet ers displa ys a
screen in which you can set the minimum and maximum allowable code lengths – 1
to 80.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details . IATA 2 of 5
Set th is p aram et er to on to enable “I ATA 2 of 5”.