
Chapter 5: Configuration
Certificate Assignment
108 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
menu, when the trigger is pressed, released, and then pressed aga in, a “double-click”
event wi ll have occur re d. If a mappi ng wit h the type Up/down has also be en
configured for the same s ource, it will onl y receive t he fi rs t se t of trigge r eve nts.
Module Trigger
This ident ifi es the driver or appl ic ation receiving the tr igger presse s.
Show All Modules
By default, i nac ti ve owners are not shown. By c hecking this chec kbox, al l o wners,
both acti ve and inacti ve, ar e di spl ayed.
5.5.7 Certificate Assignment
•In the Control Panel, choos e the Certificate icon.
Figure 5.7 Certificates Icon