
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual 159
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (HHP)
Transmit Number System
If this para meter is enabled , the number system digit i s tra nsmitted with the decoded
bar code dat a.
Addendum Add-on 2 And Addendum Add-on 5
An addendum is a s epar ate bar code, suppl ementa ry t o the ma in ba r co de.
Enabling these para meters define s th e le ngth of the add endum bar code to eith er
2 or 5 character s.
Addendum Required
When this parameter is set to on, the sca nner does not accept the main bar code
without an a ddendu m.
Addendum Separator
“Addendum Separat or” is a space th at is added between the UPC A bar code and the
Add-on code/Addenda. When this parameter is set to on
, the scanner does not
accept th e ma in b ar c ode wit hout an addendum.
Refer to “Pr ef ix/ Suffix” be ginni ng on p age 144. UPC E Settings
Set this parameter to on to e nabl e “UPC E”.
Enabled UPC-E1
Set this parameter to on to allo w “UPC-E 1” ( zero suppr ess ed) bar c ode scans.
This paramet er e xpands the UPC E code to a 12 d igi t UPC-A fo rmat.
Check Digit
If you enabl e t his p ara me ter, a check digit is i ncl uded wi th the decoded bar
code data.