
Appendix B: Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)
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B-8 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
A customer has subscribed for a static I P address. By defin ition this must be
configure d manual ly.
In the fol lowi ng sec ti on, al l t he pa rameters tha t nee d to b e conf igu red f or a conne c-
tion (suc h as APN, us er na me, pass word, DNS server addresses etc.) are ref er red t o
as a profi le. Ev ery profil e is iden ti fied by an arbi tr ary, uniqu e name. The prof il e
named Default is specia l i n that it is al ways present an d can n eit her be edi te d nor
deleted. The Default profi le uses para meters fr om a built-in dat abase. The home
network (t he net w ork t hat iss ued t he SI M) is u sed f or t he da tabase look- up. Whil e
there can be many configure d prof il es, o nly on e profile can be a cti ve a t any time.
If connecti on profiles are configure d manually, the Enable automatic configuration
checkbox shoul d normally be un check ed.
In one part icu lar use case, manual ly co nfi gure d prof il es may be combined with
automatic c onfi gur ati on. If multiple SIM ca rds a re u sed wi th t he same device, e ach
SIM card be ing fro m a differe nt operator a nd some o r al l of the m r equiring a manu-
ally set up pr ofi le, a utomatic configur ati on may be used to au tomat ica ll y pic k the
correct manual ly config ured profile for each SIM card. For this to work, each profile
must be confi gure d whil e the corres pondi ng SIM ca rd i s in ser ted i n t he device and
initialized (i.e. the status is at least SIM is ready).
The Select profile: drop-down lis t i n the dat a conf igu rat ion p rof il e sel ects to whic h
profile a subs eque nt action applies. A profile named Default is always pr ese nt an d
contains t he current p arameters fr om the database . The f oll owing actions a re a vai l-
The parameter s for the selec ted profile ar e displayed when you t ap the stylus on th is
butto n. For t he Default profile, the publicly known password i s shown— othe rwis e,
the passwor d is h idde n.
The parameter s of the select ed pr ofi le c an be edit ed whe n you ch oose the Edit
button. Keep i n mind t hat you cannot edit the Default profile.
The select ed pr ofi le i s de let ed. You cannot delete th e Default prof il e.
When this butt on i s chosen, the se lec ted prof il e becomes the act ive profile. Activa-