Chapter 8
Operating Instructions
REF 1057983 A Respironics V200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual 8-13
Figure 8-12 shows the real time manometer displays.
Figure 8-12: Manometer (common to operational screens)
Table 8-5: “Breath Indicator” describes the breath indicator.
Zero pressure
Upper limit of
real time display
determined by
High Pressure
alarm setting
Waveform: airway pressure
versus time
High pressure
alarm setting -
press this button
to modify HIP.
Manometer with Waveform Manometer only
(for mode setting screens)
Breath Indicator
Breath Symbol Description
Mand Operator or ventilator triggered mandatory breath.
Assist Patient triggered mandatory breath.
Plateau Inspiratory hold, can be set at the end of the inspiratory phase of
a VCV breath type.
Support Patient triggered spontaneous breath with PSV>0 or IPAP>EPAP.
Spont Patient triggered spontaneous breath, PSV=0 or IPAP = EPAP.
Exhale Indicates exhalation phase of any breath.
Table 8-5: Breath Indicator