Chapter 9
REF 1057983 A Respironics V200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual 9-5
Alarm Alert Messages
Alert Message Description
Air Source Fault A high urgency alarm indicates the internal air source is not
functioning properly, patient ventilation continues using the
100% O
gas source if available. Call for service. Cannot be
silenced or manually reset.
Apnea The ventilator triggers a medium urgency alarm condition
and enters Apnea Ventilation mode if no inspiration is
started within the operator set apnea interval while in a non-
emergency breathing mode. It is elevated to high urgency
after one minute of Apnea Ventilation.
Audible Alarm Failed Primary audible alarm is defective. Alarm cannot be
manually reset.
Bad ADC Wrap Sensor Alarm cannot be silenced or manually reset. Call for service.
Bad Bat Volt Sensor Alarm cannot be silenced or manually reset. Call for service.
Bad Int O
Sensor Alarm cannot be silenced or manually reset. Call for service.
Bad Int Temp Sensor Alarm cannot be silenced or manually reset. Call for service.
Battery Backup On Indicates the backup battery is the power source for
ventilator operation. Alarm cannot be silenced.
Exp Valve Stuck Open Alarm cannot be silenced or manually reset. Call for service.
Gas Supplies Lost -
A high urgency alarm indicates the oxygen and air source
are no longer operable. Safety valve opens. Check O
and internal air source. Call for service. Cannot be silenced
or manually reset.
High Inspiratory
Indicates that circuit pressure exceeds the high pressure
limit. When High Inspiratory Pressure condition occurs, the
ventilator immediately cycles into the exhalation phase and
illuminates the low priority indicator. Then on the second
consecutive breath with a pressure violation, sounds the
audible alarm, lights the Alarm High indicator, and displays
High Inspiratory Pressure message.
High Internal O
Oxygen concentration internal to the enclosure is beyond
allowable levels. Indicative of an internal O
leak. Alarm
cannot be silenced or manually reset.
High Leak Rate The average estimated leak from the previous breath has
exceeded the set High Leak alarm limit (alarm applies to
NPPV mode only). Medium urgency, escalates to high
urgency after 60 seconds. The alarm cancels when the
estimated leak from the previous breath equals or falls
below the alarm setting, if the ventilation type changes from
NPPV to another ventilation mode or if the alarm is reset by
the clinician.
Table 9-1: Alarm Alert Messages (Sheet 1 of 4)