REF 1057983 A Respironics V200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual Glossary-3
PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure
Pi End airway pressure at the end of inhalation
PIP peak inspiratory pressure
Plateau inspiratory plateau pressure, pressure at end exhalation and no flow from or out of
the ventilator
Pplat end-inspiratory plateau pressure
psi pounds per square inch; Unit of pressure measurement
psig pounds per square inch gauge (above atmospheric pressure)
PSV pressure-support ventilation
SIMV synchronous intermittent mandatory ventilation
Spont Rate spontaneous respiratory rate
Spont T spontaneous timed
Spont VE spontaneous volume exhaled
STPD standard temperature, standard pressure dry
SVO safety valve open
Tidal Vol tidal volume
Total RR total respiratory rate
Total VE total volume exhaled/minute
V volume
VAC volts of alternating current (power)
E expired minute ventilation
Vent ventilator
tidal volume