
REF 1057983 A Respironics V200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual Glossary-5
Inspiratory pause inspiratory pause is a brief pause (0.1 to 2 seconds) at end-
inspiration during which pressure is held constant and flow is zero. The
purpose of the pause is to improve gas distribution throughout the lungs. Same
as Plateau pressure.
Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (IMV) a mode of ventilatory support that
allows spontaneous breathing in between mandatory breaths from the
Mandatory Breath a breath whose inspiratory flow and or pressure is under the
control of the ventilator.
Manual Breath a breath initiated by the operator.
Mean Airway Pressure (MAP) the average over one inspiration/exhalation cycle.
The value displayed is the average of this calculation over one minute. The
display is updated at the end of each exhalation.
Medical gas a gas that has been refined and purified according to
specifications in the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) intended for human
use in the diagnosis or treatment of disease.
Millisecond (msec) one thousandth of a second.
Minute Ventilation ( E) the total amount of gas moving out of the lungs during
1 minute.
Noninvasive pertaining to a diagnostic or therapeutic technique that does not
require the skin to be broken or a cavity or organ of the body to be entered.
Mechanical ventilation via mask, nasal prongs, or mouthpiece.
Peak Inhalation Pressure (PIP) the greatest airway pressure during an inspiratory
cycle no matter what the breath type. The pressure is measured at the
exhalation valve and the new data is displayed at the beginning of exhalation.
Plateau Pressure (Plateau) the pressure measured at the end of exhalation on
every breath. The display is updated at the beginning of each exhalation.
PCMCIA Card (PC Card) Acronym for Personal Computer Memory Card
International Association, more commonly referred to as a PC Card. This is a
data storage device with an approximate physical size of a credit card, used in
conjunction with the Trending Option.
Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) the application and maintenance of
pressure above atmospheric at the airway throughout the expiratory phase of
positive-pressure mechanical ventilation.
Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV) pressure-limited assisted ventilation
designed to augment a spontaneously generated breath; the patient has
primary control over the frequency of breathing, the inspiratory time, and the
inspiratory flow.