Chapter 13
13-78 Respironics V200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual REF 1057983 A
Options and Accessories
Trending Not
This Trending Not Available message indicates a problem with Trending option
data storage.
This message may appear if:
• the PCMCIA card installed for the Trending option is removed,
• the PCMCIA card includes unrecognizable or corrupted files, or
• the PCMCIA card does not contain enough memory.
• the internal clock setting was moved back by more than 1.25 hours
and trending data was not erased.
Contact Respironics Technical Support for more information.
WARNING: The cover plate for the PCMCIA slot at the back of the
ventilator must be replaced after the adaptor and card are
installed. This is to protect the ventilator.
CAUTION: The PCMCIA card should only be removed by trained
service personnel once power to the ventilator is off.
Data collection and
The system collects numeric data every 20 seconds. Alarms are considered
active if they occurred at any time during the previous 20-second interval.
If the selected time scale is 2 hours, each data point on a waveform
represents 20 seconds. As the scale is increased, each data point represents
a longer interval.
Data is periodically refreshed if there is no user interaction.
Display time-outs The Trending screen automatically reverts to the Monitor screen if 15
minutes elapse without user interaction.
Pop-up windows are cleared from the display if 2 minutes elapse without
user interaction, and any pending changes are cancelled.
Table 13-12: Trending Data Specifications (Sheet 1 of 4)