• Do not subject the camera to high temperatures or high humidity. Do not
leave the camera in a vehicle, as the temperature can get very high.
• Do not store the camera with preservatives and chemicals. Storage in high
temperatures and high humidity can cause molding. Remove from case and
store in a dry and well-ventilated location.
• This camera is not waterproof, and should not be used in the rain or where
the camera could get wet.
• Do not subject the camera to strong vibrations, shocks, or pressure. Use a
cushion to protect the camera from vibrations of motorcycles, automobiles,
or ships.
• The temperature range for camera use is 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F).
• The LCD display may appear black under high temperatures, but will return
to normal as temperatures normalize.
• The LCD display may respond more slowly at low temperatures. This is due
to liquid crystal properties, and is not a fault.
• Periodic inspections are recommended every one to two years to maintain
high performance.
• Sudden temperature changes will cause condensation on the inside and
outside of the camera. Place the camera in your bag or a plastic bag,
removing the camera after temperature of the camera and surroundings are
• Avoid contact with garbage, mud, sand, dust, water, toxic gases, or salts.
These could cause a camera breakdown. Wipe dry any rain or water drops
on the camera.
• Refer to “Precautions When Using the SD Memory Card” (p.30) regarding
the SD Memory Card.
• Use a lens brush to remove dust accumulated on the lens or viewfinder.
Never use a spray blower for cleaning as it may damage the lens.
• Please do not press forcefully on the LCD monitor. This could cause
breakage or malfunction.
Regarding Product Registration
In order to bet t er s er ve you, we request that you comp lete th e pr oduct regi st ra tion ,
whi ch can be found on the CD -ROM su ppl i ed wit h t he camera or on t he PENTAX
websit e. Thank you for your cooper at i on.
Refer to the PENTAX PHOTO B row ser 3/ PENTAX PHOTO Laboratory 3 Operating
Manual (W i ndows users: p.9, Mac OS users: p. 10 ) f or mo re infor m at i on.