Function Reference
Combining two or more external flashes (AF540FGZ or AF360FGZ) or
using an external flash in combination with the built-in flash allows multiple
flash photography (contrast-control-sync flash photography). This is
based on the difference between the amounts of light discharged from
multiple units.
1 Connect the external flash to the camera indirectly. (p.160)
2 Set the sync mode for the external flash to the Contrast-Control-Sync
3 Turn the mode dial and set the exposure mode to e, b, c or a.
4 Confirm that both the external flash and built-in flash are fully charged
and then take the picture.
Contrast-Control-Sync Flash
• Do not combine with accessories that have a different number of contacts
such as a H ot Sho e G r ip as a m al f un ct io n m ay occur.
• Combining with flashes from other manufacturers may cause equipment
breakdown. W e re commend usi ng PENTAX automatic flash es .
• When usin g tw o or more external flashes and the Co nt ra st -Control-Sy nc
mode is set on the ext er nal master flash unit, the flas h out put ratio is 2
(master unit) : 1 (slave units). When external flash is used in combi nation with
the built- in flas h, th e flash output ra tio is 2 (e xt er nal flash) : 1 (bu i lt- in flas h).
• When usin g m ul tip le ext er nal flashes or an externa l flash with the bu ilt-in
flash, P-TTL is used for flash control.
• The fastes t flash synch ron i zat ion speed is 1/ 180 secon d in the C ont r ast-
Contro l-Sy nc m ode.