Function Reference
Look through the viewfinder
and press the shutter release
button halfway.
The focus indicator ] appears in the
viewfinder when focused (if it is
blinking, the subject is not in focus).
1 Subjects that are Difficult to Focus
on (p.46)
•In l (Single mode), the focus is locked (focus lock) while ] is lit. To focus
on anoth er subject, tak e your finger off th e shutter release button firs t .
• During \ (Moving Object) mode, when the H mode is set to C (Kids) or
E (Pet ) or when the [AF M ode ] in t he [ A Rec. Mode] is set to k
(Continuous m ode ) ( p. 123), focus i s adj usted cont inuously, tra cking the
moving object as long as the shutter release button is kept pressed halfway.
• The shutte r ca nnot be released unt il the subject is i n fo cus in l (Singl e
mode) (p.123). If the subject is too close to the camera, move back and take
the pictur e. Adjust the focus manually if the s ubject is difficult to focus (p. 46).
•In l (Single mode), press the shutter release button halfway. The built-in
flash will discharge automatically several times, enabling the autofocus to
focus on the subject easier if the subject is in a dark area and the built-in flash
is availabl e.
• Regardless if the camera is set to l (Single mode) or k (Continuous
mode), the camera automatically tracks the subject if it is determined to be a
movi ng ob j ect .
Focu s i ndicator