We recommend checking the following items before contacting a service center.
Problem Cause Remedy
Camera do es
not turn on
Batteries ar e not
Check if batteries are installed. If not, install
batterie s.
Batteries ar e not
installed properly
Check ori ent at ion of batte r ies .
Re-inse rt ba tteries according to th e +-
symbols. (p.25)
Battery power is low
Replace with a charged battery set or use the
AC adapter. (p.28)
The shutter
does not release
The lens a per t ur e
ring setting is other
than the s posit i on
Set the len s ape rt ur e r ing t o th e s position
(p.135) or select [Permitted] in [Using
apertu re ring] in th e [ A Custom Setting]
menu (p .184 ).
Flash is charging Wait until charging is finished.
No available space on
SD Memory Card
Insert SD Memory Card with available space or
delete unwanted images. (p.29, p.76)
Recordi ng Wait unt il recording is fini shed.
The Autofocus
does not wo rk
Subject is diffi cult to
focus on
Autofocus cannot focus well on subjects that
have low contra st (the sky, white walls), dark
colors, intricate designs, are moving quickly
or scener y shot through a windo w or a net -
like patter n. Lock focus on anoth er obj ect
located at sam e distan ce (press shutter
release button half w ay ), then ai m at ta rg et
and press shutter rele as e but t on fully.
Alternati vely, use man ual fo cu s. (p.128)
Subject is not in
focusing area
Position subject in focus frame in mi ddl e o f
viewfinder. If the subject is outside the
focusing area, aim the camera at the subject
and lock the focus (press shutter release
button hal f w ay ), then compo se picture and
press th e sh ut te r r elease butto n fully.
Subject is to o close
Move away fro m the subject and take a picture.
The focus m ode is
set to \
Set the focus mode lever to =. (p. 120 )
The [AF Mode] in the
Rec. M o d e] is
set to
(Continuous mode)
Set the [AF Mode] in the [A Rec. M ode] to
l (Si ngle mode ). (p .1 23)
The Capture mode is
set to
Object) mode
Set the Ca pt ur e m ode to setting ot her th an
\ (Mov ing O bject) mode. (p.47)