Focus point
Position in the viewfinder that determines focus. In this camera, select
from [Auto], [Selec t] and [Cent er].
A graph that shows the darkest and brightest points in an image. The
horizontal axis represents the brightness and the vertical axis represents
the number of pixels. This is useful when you wish to refer to the exposure
status of an image.
An image compression method. The image is recorded in JPEG format
when the quality level is set to C (Best), D (Better), or E (Good).
Imag e s re co rd ed in J PE G fo rm at a re sui t ed for vi ewi ng on yo ur PC or for
attaching to e-mail.
ND (Neutral Density) Filter
A filter with many saturation levels that adjusts the brightness without
affecting the picture itself.
Noise Reduction
Process to reduce noise (image roughness or unevenness) caused by low
shutter speed.
These are video output formats. NTSC is mainly used in Japan, North
America, and South Korea. PAL is mainly used in Europe and in China.
Quality Level
This refers to the image compression ratio. The lower the compression,
the more detailed the image. The image becomes rougher as the
compression rate rises.