
Chapter Four: Operation
12/97 9760-GUI 45
4.6.5 Camera Control Override
If an operator controls a camera (either with the joystick, a camera control button or an auxiliary button)
and another operator attempts to control the same camera, the second operator will hear a short beep
and ERROR: Busy operator XX (where XX = operator number) will appear in System Error box.
NOTE: Overriding will only work if the operator has an equal or higher priority than the operator
they are overriding (refer to the PIN File – 9760-MGR manual). Remember 1 is the highest priority,
9999 is the lowest priority.
To override camera control:
When ERROR: Busy Operator XX appears in the System Error box, select Camera Control
Override from the Program menu option.
If the override was successful, control of the camera will now be available. Control of the camera
will remain with this operator until they select another camera or another operator overrides the
camera control.
If the operator you are attempting to override has a higher priority ERROR: Override Denied
will appear in the System Error box.
4.6.6 Camera Auxiliaries
To turn an auxiliary ON/OFF:
1. Ensure the Camera Control window is open (click on the Camera Control icon if it is closed).
2. Select the required camera (refer to Selecting Cameras).
3. Click on the appropriate Auxiliary number at the bottom of the Camera Control window. Auxil-
iary buttons are red when off, blue when activated and green when the command has been re-
ceived by the CM9760-CC1.
NOTE: Camera auxiliaries can be configured as latched or momentary in the 9760 Setup files.
Latched means when a relay button is pressed the device stays ON until the button is pressed
again. Momentary means the device stays ON only while the button is held down.
A list of camera auxiliaries should be available from your manager or security supervisor.
A GPI can control up to eight relays. Relays are turned ON/OFF in the GPI window or the Camera Control
window if a GPI is automatically loaded with a camera (refer to Camera — GPI, 9760-MGR manual). A list
of all GPIs should be available from your manager or security supervisor.
Relays are defined as being latched or momentary. Latched means when a relay button is pressed the device
stays ON until the button is pressed again. Momentary means the device stays ON only while the button is
held down.
4.7.1 Selecting a GPI
To operate a GPI:
1. Click on the GPI icon to open the GPI window (illustrated in Figure 4-7).
2. Click GPI No. The select window will appear.
3. Position the mouse cursor over the digits in the Select window and press the left mouse button to
enter the digits corresponding to the logical number of the required GPI.
If an incorrect number is selected, click Clear and repeat Step 3.
4. When the correct number appears in the number display click Enter.