
Chapter Four: Operation
12/97 9760-GUI 43
1. Ensure the Camera Control window is open (click on the Camera Control icon if it is
2. Click Camera No. The Select window (illustrated in Figure 4-11) will appear.
3. Position the mouse cursor over the digits in the Select window and click the left mouse
button to enter the digits corresponding to the logical number of the required camera.
If an incorrect number is selected, click Clear and repeat Step 3.
4. When the correct number appears in the number display click Enter.
5. The camera picture will appear on the monitor selected in the Monitor Setup window.
The logical number of the camera will appear in the Current Camera boxes in the Cam-
era Control window and Manual Selector window.
A warning beep will sound and ERROR: Camera Denied will appear in the System
Error box if access to the camera has been restricted from that operator.
A warning beep will sound and ERROR: Camera Not Present will appear in the
System Error box if the camera has not been programmed into the system.
4.6.2 Locking a Camera
When a camera is locked to a monitor it means no other camera can be viewed on the monitor except the
locked camera. Further, the camera will not respond to control keys or joystick controls while it is locked.
The lock feature is useful when recording a camera picture.
To lock a camera:
1. Select a camera (refer to Selecting Cameras).
2. Select the desired view for the camera.
3. Click on Lock in the Manual Selector window or select Camera Lock from the Program menu
option. The camera has been locked in its current position. The monitor has also been locked and
will only display the locked camera.
NOTE: No other operators can alter controls on a locked camera (e.g., camera control keys)
or change cameras on a locked monitor.
4.6.2a Unlocking a Camera
To unlock a camera:
1. Click on Unlock in the Manual Selector window or select Camera Lock from the Pro-
gram menu option (the tick will be removed from in front of this command). The camera
must be unlocked from the same terminal it was locked on.
The camera is now unlocked and can be maneuvered. The monitor is also free to switch to any avail-
able camera.
4.6.3 Maneuvering Cameras
The pan/tilt/zoom facilities on a camera can be operated in the Camera Control window and the Video win-
NOTE: Only controllable cameras can be maneuvered.
To maneuver a camera:
1. Click on the Camera Control icon or the Video icon to open the appropriate window.
2. Select the required camera (refer to Selecting Cameras).