6. Clean and reinstall the drain plug and a new
washer. Securely tighten the drain plug with
a wrench. Do not use excessive force.
Drain plug tightening torque:
22 - 29 ft-lb (29 - 39 N·m)
7. Refill engine with recommended oil through
the oil filler opening, then install the oil filler
cap securely.
See “Capacities and recommended
fuel/lubricants” in the “Technical and con-
sumer information”section ofthis manualfor
drain and refill capacity.
The drain and refill capacity depends on the
oil temperature and drain time. Use these
specificationsfor referenceonly. Alwaysuse
the dipstick to determine when the proper
amount of oil is in the engine.
8. Start the vehicle. Check for leakage around
the drain plug and oil filter. Correct as re-
9. Turn the vehicle off and wait more than 10
minutes.Checkthe oillevelwiththe dipstick.
Add engine oil if necessary.
1. Park thevehicle on a level surfaceand apply
the parking brake.
2. Turn the vehicle off.
3. Placealarge drainpan underthe oilfilter
4. Loosen the oil filter
with an oil filter
wrench byturning it counterclockwise.Then
remove the oil filter by turning it by hand.
Becareful notto burnyourself. Theengine
oil may be hot.
5. Wipethe engineoilfiltersealingsurfacewith
a clean rag.
Be sure toremove any old gasketmaterial
remaining on the sealing surface of the
engine. Failure to do so could lead to
engine damage.
6. Coat the gasket on the new filter with clean
engine oil.
7. Screwon theoil filteruntil aslight resistance
is felt, then tighten an additional 2/3 turn.
8. Start the vehicle and check for leakage
around the oil filter. Correct as required.
9. Turn the vehicle off and wait more than 10
minutes.Check theoil level.Add engineoil if
Oil filler cap
Oil drain plug
Oil filter
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-13