Press the INFO button on the control panel, and
thentouch the“FuelEconomy History”key onthe
The Fuel Economy History can be displayed on
the navigation system monitor. The screen must
be set to the Energy Flow mode or the Fuel
Economy History mode. This displays the vehi-
cle’s average fuel consumption and regenerative
electric power at 5 minute intervals.
The displayedvalues onthe screenindicate gen-
eral drivingconditions. Accuracy varieswith driv-
ing habits and road conditions.
1. Regenerated energyin the past 30 minutes:
The regenerated energy in the past 30 min-
utes is indicated with symbols. One symbol
indicates 50 watt hours. The energy of 50
watt hours illuminates a 50 watt bulb for an
2. Fuel consumption in the past 30 minutes:
Fuel consumption in the past 30 minutes is
3. Current fuel consumption (Latest column):
The current fuel consumption is calculated
and displayed based on distance and fuel
Information shown in the yellow column
means current(within 5minutes) and infor-
mation shown in the blue columns means
past (more than 5 minutes).
LHV2000 LHV2002
HEV-6 HEV Overview