● Pull your vehicle off the road, put the
transmission in the P (Park) position,
apply the parking brake and turn the
Hybrid System off.
● Check to see if there are exposed high
voltage parts and cables. Never touch
the parts and cables. See “High voltage
components”, later in this section for
the locations of the high voltage parts
and cables.
● To avoid personal injury, do not touch
high voltage wiring, connectors and
high voltage parts (inverter unit, high
voltage battery etc.).
● If exposed electric wires are visible in-
side or outside of your vehicle, an elec-
tric shock may occur. Never touch the
electric wires.
● Inspect the ground under the vehicle. If
liquid has leaked onto the ground, the
fuel system may have been damaged.
Leave the vehicle as soon as possible.
● Never touch fluid leaks inside or out-
side thevehicle. The leakmay be strong
alkaline electrolyte from the high volt-
age battery. If it contacts your skin or
eyes, wash it off immediately with a
large amount of water or if possible,
boric acid solution. Get immediate
medical attention to help avoid serious
● If a fire occurs in the hybrid vehicle,
leave the vehicle as soon as possible.
Never use a fire extinguisher that is not
meant for use on electric fires. Using
even a small amount of water may be
also dangerous.
● If your vehicle needs to be towed, do it
with the front wheels raised. If the front
wheels are on the ground when towing,
the traction motor may generate elec-
tricity.This maydamage theHybrid Sys-
tem components and cause a fire.
The emergency shut off system automatically
turns offthe highvoltage currentin certainfrontal
collisions. This is to minimize the risk of electrical
shortcircuits. Ifthe systemactivates,your vehicle
will not restart. To restart the Hybrid System,
contact a NISSAN dealer.
The Hybrid System monitors the status of power
being sent to the traction motor and the battery
stateofcharge.The statusisshownon thehybrid
power meter and high voltage battery status me-
ter. System status can also be shown on the
navigation system display (if so equipped) when
the screen is in the Energy Flow mode or
energy/fuel history mode.
HEV Overview HEV-3