● If the Hybrid System stops operating
while driving, the power assist for the
brakes andsteering will notwork. Brak-
ing and steering will be harder.
● If the Hybrid System stops operating
whiledriving, donotopen anydoor until
the vehicle comes to a complete stop.
Opening a door will lock the steering
wheel. This maycause the driver to lose
controlof thevehicle andcould resultin
serious vehicle damage or personal
The Hybrid System may stop operating while
driving if the high voltage battery becomes dis-
charged, the 12-volt battery becomes dis-
charged or the fuel tank is empty. If the Hybrid
System stops operating while driving, perform
the following:
1. Reduce your speed gradually. Pull to the
side of the road to a safe area.
2. Turn on the hazard warning flashers.
3. Set the “POWER” switch at ACC or OFF,
and try to start the Hybrid System.
4. If the Hybrid System will not start, see “Ve-
hicle does not start” in this section.
Before attemptingto jumpstart the vehicle,make
sure the fuel tank is not empty and the correct
starting procedure is followed. See “Starting the
Hybrid System”in the “Starting and driving”sec-
tion. Do not drive the vehicle on battery power
only if the fuel tank is empty. The high voltage
battery will become discharged and the Hybrid
System will turn off.
Confirm the battery isdischarged by pushing the
ignition switch to the ON position. Confirm the
instrument cluster or head lights come on at the
normal brightness levels or that other accesso-
ries such as theaudio system come on. Push the
ignition switch to turn the Hybrid System on.
● Ifthe lights donot dimor the accessoriesdo
not turn off, see “Emergency start” in this
● If the lights become dim or the accessories
turn off, check the following:
1. Check that the 12-volt battery terminals are
tight and clean. See “12-volt Battery”in the
“Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section.
The battery is located on the right hand side
of the trunk behind an access panel. If the
12-volt battery terminals are loose, contact
your NISSAN dealer.
2. If the 12-volt battery terminals are tight and
clean, try to jump start the vehicle. See
“Jump starting”in this section.
When the Hybrid System cannot be started, the
following procedure can be used if the Hybrid
System and “POWER”switch function normally:
1. Put the transmission in P (Park) position.
2. Push the ignition switch to the ACC posi-
3. Depress the brake pedal.
4. Push and hold the ignition switch for about
15 seconds. Even if the Hybrid System
starts using this procedure, the system may
be malfunctioning. Do not continue to use
this emergency procedure to start the sys-
tem. Have the vehicle checked by your
NISSAN dealer.
If the Hybrid System still does not start, contact
you NISSAN dealer.
In case of emergency 6-7