● Watch for slippery spots (glare ice).
These may appear on an otherwise
clear road in shaded areas. If a patch of
ice is seen ahead, brake before reach-
ing it. Try not to brake while on the ice,
and avoid any sudden steering
● Do not use the cruise control on slip-
pery roads.
● Snow can trap dangerous exhaust
gases under your vehicle. Keep snow
clear of the exhaust pipe and from
around your vehicle.
● Do not use your engine block heater
with an ungrounded electrical system
or a 2-pronged adapter. You can be se-
riously injured by an electrical shock if
you use an ungrounded connection.
● Disconnect and properly store the en-
gine block heater cord before turning
the Hybrid System ON. Damage to the
cord could result in an electrical shock
and can cause serious injury.
● Use a heavy-duty 3-wire, 3-pronged ex-
tensioncord ratedfor atleast 10A.Plug
the extension cord into a Ground Fault
Interrupt (GFI) protected, grounded
110-VAC outlet. Failure to use the
proper extension cord or a grounded
outlet can result in a fire or electrical
shock and cause serious personal
Engine block heaters are available through
NISSAN dealers to assist in cold temperature
starting. The engineblock heater should be used
when the outside temperature is 20° F (-7° C) or
To use the engine block heater:
1. Turn the Hybrid System OFF.
2. Openthe hoodandunwrapthe engineblock
heater cord.
3. Plug the engine block heater cord into a
grounded 3-wire, 3-pronged extension
4. Plug the extension cord into a Ground Fault
Interrupt (GFI) protected, grounded 110-
volt AC (VAC) outlet.
5. The engine block heater mustbe plugged in
temperatures, to properly warm the engine
coolant. Usean appropriate timer toturn the
engine block heater on.
6. Before turning the Hybrid System ON, un-
plug and properly store the cord to keep it
away from moving parts.
Starting and driving 5-25