
ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Log Messages 8-11
v1.0, November 2010
Table 8-20: IP Subnet VLANS Log Messages
Component Message Cause
IPsubnet vlans ERROR vlanIpSubnetSubnetValid :Invalid
This occurs when an invalid pair of subnet
and netmask has come from the CLI
IPsubnet vlans IP Subnet Vlans: failed to save configuration This message appears when save
configuration of subnet vlans failed
IPsubnet vlans vlanIpSubnetCnfgrInitPhase1Process:
Unable to create r/w lock for vlanIpSubnet
This appears when a read/write lock
creations fails
IPsubnet vlans vlanIpSubnetCnfgrInitPhase2Process:
Unable to register for VLAN change callback
This appears when this component unable
to register for vlan change notifications
IPsubnet vlans vlanIpSubnetCnfgrFiniPhase1Process:
could not delete avl semaphore
This appears when a semaphore deletion of
this component fails.
IPsubnet vlans vlanIpSubnetDtlVlanCreate: Failed This appears when a dtl call fails to add an
entry into the table
IPsubnet vlans vlanIpSubnetSubnetDeleteApply: Failed This appears when a dtl fails to delete an
entry from the table
IPsubnet vlans vlanIpSubnetVlanChangeCallback: Failed to
add an Entry
This appears when a dtl fails to add an entry
for a vlan add notify event.
IPsubnet vlans vlanIpSubnetVlanChangeCallback: Failed to
delete an Entry
This appears when a dtl fails to delete an
entry for an vlan delete notify event.
Table 8-21: Mac-based VLANs Log Messages
Component Message Cause
Mac based
MAC VLANs: Failed to save configuration This message appears when save
configuration of Mac vlans failed
Mac based
vlanMacCnfgrInitPhase1Process: Unable to
create r/w lock for vlanMac
This appears when a read/write lock
creations fails
Mac based
Unable to register for VLAN change callback This appears when this component unable
to register for vlan change notifications
Mac based
vlanMacCnfgrFiniPhase1Process: could not
delete avl semaphore
This appears when a semaphore deletion of
this component fails.
Mac based
vlanMacAddApply: Failed to add an entry This appears when a dtl call fails to add an
entry into the table
Mac based
vlanMacDeleteApply: Unable to delete an
This appears when a dtl fails to delete an
entry from the table
Mac based
vlanMacVlanChangeCallback: Failed to add
an entry
This appears when a dtl fails to add an entry
for a vlan add notify event.