
ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Management Commands 7-22
v1.0, November 2010
ip http java
This command enables the Web Java mode. The Java mode applies to both secure and un-secure
Web connections.
no ip http java
This command disables the Web Java mode. The Java mode applies to both secure and un-secure
Web connections.
ip http session hard-timeout
This command configures the hard timeout for un-secure HTTP sessions in hours. Configuring
this value to zero will give an infinite hard-timeout. When this timeout expires, the user will be
forced to re-authenticate. This timer begins on initiation of the web session and is unaffected by
the activity level of the connection.
no ip http session hard-timeout
This command restores the hard timeout for un-secure HTTP sessions to the default value.
Default Enabled
Format ip http java
Mode Privileged EXEC
Format no ip http java
Mode Privileged EXEC
Default 24
Format ip http session hard-timeout <0-168>
Mode Privileged EXEC
Format no ip http session hard-timeout
Mode Privileged EXEC