
ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Utility Commands 6-29
v1.0, November 2010
Using the options described below, you can specify the number and size of Echo Requests and the
interval between Echo Requests.
The following are examples of the CLI command.
ping success:
(Switch) #ping count 3 interval 1 size 255
Pinging with 255 bytes of data:
Received response for icmp_seq = 0. time= 275268 usec
Received response for icmp_seq = 1. time= 274009 usec
Received response for icmp_seq = 2. time= 279459 usec
---- PING statistics----
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (msec) min/avg/max = 274/279/276
ping failure:
In Case of Unreachable Destination:
(Switch) # ping count 3 interval 1 size 255
Pinging with 255 bytes of data:
Received Response: Unreachable Destination
Received Response :Unreachable Destination
Received Response :Unreachable Destination
---- PING statistics----
3 packets transmitted,3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (msec) min/avg/max = 0/0/0
In Case Of Request TimedOut:
(Switch) # ping count 1 interval 3
Pinging with 0 bytes of data:
---- PING statistics----
Parameter Description
count Use the count parameter to specify the number of ping packets (ICMP Echo requests)
that are sent to the destination address specified by the <ip-address> field. The range
for <count> is 1 to 15 requests.
interval Use the interval parameter to specify the time between Echo Requests, in seconds.
Range is 1 to 60 seconds.
size Use the size parameter to specify the size, in bytes, of the payload of the Echo
Requests sent. Range is 0 to 65507 bytes.