
ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Routing Commands 4-3
v1.0, November 2010
arp cachesize
This command configures the ARP cache size. The ARP cache size value is a platform specific
integer value. The default size also varies depending on the platform.
no arp cachesize
This command configures the default ARP cache size.
arp dynamicrenew
This command enables the ARP component to automatically renew dynamic ARP entries when
they age out.
no arp dynamicrenew
This command prevents dynamic ARP entries from renewing when they age out.
Format arp cachesize <platform specific integer value>
Mode Global Config
Format no arp cachesize
Mode Global Config
Default enabled
Format arp dynamicrenew
Mode Privileged EXEC
Format no arp dynamicrenew
Mode Privileged EXEC