
ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Management Commands 7-32
v1.0, November 2010
no username snmpv3 authentication
This command sets the authentication protocol to be used for the specified user to none. The
<username> is the user name for which the specified authentication protocol is used.
username snmpv3 encryption
This command specifies the encryption protocol used for the specified user. The valid encryption
protocols are des or none.
If you select des, you can specify the required key on the command line. The encryption key
must be 8 to 64 characters long. If you select the des protocol but do not provide a key, the user is
prompted for the key. When you use the des protocol, the login password is also used as the
snmpv3 encryption password, so it must be a minimum of eight characters. If you select none,
you do not need to provide a key.
The <username> value is the login user name associated with the specified encryption. You
must enter the <username> in the same case you used when you added the user. To see the case
of the <username>, enter the show users command.
no username snmpv3 encryption
This command sets the encryption protocol to none. The <username> is the login user name for
which the specified encryption protocol will be used.
Format no username snmpv3 authentication <username>
Mode Global Config
Default no encryption
Format username snmpv3 encryption <username> {none | des[key]}
Mode Global Config
Format no username snmpv3 encryption <username>
Mode Global Config