8.3 Manual Data Input Mode
8.3 Manual Data Input Mode
Program execution in manual data input mode can only be done upon power-on state of the
machine, i.e. when there is no EMG (emergency stop) state in the rightmost field (general NC
state) of status bar.
If the machine is mounted with NCT machine control board the manual data input mode can be
switched on by pressing the button.
In manual data input mode all
part programs in control mem-
ory, that is not selected for auto-
matic execution can be executed.
The program to be executed can
be selected after displaying the
DIRECTORY screen. After
pressing the action menu key
action menu RUN must be
selected. Than the process corre-
sponds to what have been dis-
cussed in chapter “Program di-
rectory actions”.
By opening the operation mode
caption MDI appears in the
leftmost field of status bar. The
program starts by the use of the START button, while with the STOP button the execution can
be stopped. By pressing START button error message
is displayed if no program is selected for execution in manual data input mode.
Differences between Automatic and Manual Data Input modes
– In manual data input mode only programs in memory can be executed, therefore in this case
DNC transfer is not possible!
– In manual data input mode the program cannot be continued from the interruption point
(contrary to automatic mode). This means that the program is always executed from
the beginning when the operation mode is activated.
– In program selected for manual data input mode block number cannot be searched for.
Among others the manual data input mode can be used for simplifying interventions frequently
occurring while machining. In this case there is no need to enter and execute one or more
blocks by means of single block input, but the process needed is written down in a program.
Switching over from automatic to manual data input and starting the process by interrupting
automatic mode can be done any time. For example in the case of tool break a program, which
stops spindle and switches off coolant, takes out the tool and stands to a position the
intervention from which is easy, can be started in manual data input mode. Another way to use
it is when a size needs to be checked on the work during machining, the automatic mode can
be interrupted and a measuring cycle started in manual data input mode. After the needed
process is done the automatic mode can be returned and the machining continued.