
3.6 SETTING Screens
In the general displaying area the
different timers and counters can
be seen. The highlighting bar can
be moved to the timer or counter
to be modified by means of
arrow keys. Apart from the
operating time the values are
free to overwrite.
Actions of TIMER AND
No action can be activated to
this screen, a blank action menu
is displayed by pressing action
menu key , however the
values of timers and counters can be overwritten only in this state.
3.6.5 TOOL POT TABLE Screen
In the general displaying area the
tool pot table can be seen. The
values of the table are preserved
upon power-off.
In case not a local coded tool
handle, but a random access
magazine handle is to be used, a
tool pot table is needed, in which
the pot number of the magazine
and number of the tool found in
it can be selected.
Local coded tool handle means,
that reference to the tool is
made at address T by the pot
number of the magazine, in
which the desired tool can be found.
If tool reference is not local coded, a table is needed, which shows, which tool number can be
found in which pot of the magazine.
Random access magazine handle means, that the position of tools in the magazine is not
fixed. The returning tool (taken from the spindle) is not taken back into the position it was
taken out, but into the nearest vacant position in magazine, in the simplest case in place of
the selected (new) tool.