
1 Operator’s Panel
3 Functional State of Automatic and Manual Data Input
NSCH: block search
INTD: automatic execution interrupted
STRT: start state
STOP: stop state
4 Program Manipulation State
LOAD: loading program from external device
SAVE: saving program to external device
SORT: sorting programs in directory is in progress
EDIT: long-lasting edit operation
WFTG: waiting for trigger
TRGD: triggered
Exch: change between general displaying areas is in progress
BURN: burning into FLASH
5 Interpolator State
MOV: either axis moves (interpolator started)
DWL: waiting specified by dwell G4
POS: waiting for in position signal
1: increment size is 1 increment
10: increment size is 10 increment
100: increment size is 100 increment
1000: increment size is 1000 increment
feedrate: feedrate value from table
DRUN:dry run
HOLD: feed hold state
6 PLC State
FIN: execution of a PLC function is in progress
7 Message Line State
#*®!: # mirror, * scaling, ® active rotation, and ! the common offset is not zero
OPRM: operator’s message in message line
PLC: PLC message in message line
ALRM: alarm message in message line
! !: access forbidden
º»: conflicting state
8 General NC State
REF: no reference point on an axis
TEST:test mode
LOCK: machine lock state
EMG: emergency stop state
KYBD: no connection to keyboard
In the second line is the message field. In this field the global messages, i.e. messages
independent of the general displaying area, alarm messages of NC, PLC and macros as well as