3.3 PROGRAM Screens
Last Action: When pressing the key the highlighting bar goes to the last block of the program.
Check Action: When pressing the key control brings the highlighting bar to the last block of
the program, meanwhile it reads the entire program and examines its check sum. This
way it checks if the program in memory is damaged (the program can be damaged for
example due to storage or operation in too low temperature).
Block Search Action Menu: When pressing the key the following actions occur: First, Last,
Exec, Go, Interrupted and Cancel. For description of the search actions see the
chapter 13.6 “Automatic Operation Start after Block Search” on the page 117.
3.3.3 EDIT Screen
In the general displaying area the
list of an editable program can
be seen. The number and name
of a program can always be read
in the first line of the area.
It is possible to write or modify
the program by pressing action
menu key . Modification
of protected programs is not
possible. If EDIT mode is active
and no program execution is
interrupted (INTD), the selected
main program is displayed on
Directory screen, while if execu-
tion is interrupted it is the
program, in which the line under execution can be found. In case the control is not in EDIT
mode, or the second window is opened, the program selected on Directory general displaying
area is displayed. If execution is not in INTD state modification of running program is not
Actions of EDIT Screen
For description of EDIT screen see the chapter 4.4 “Actions of EDIT Screen” on the page