3.2 CHECK Screens
3.2 CHECK Screens
This screen serves for displaying running programs and their states.
3.2.1 PROGRAM TEXT Screen, Listing of Running Program
In the lower part of general dis-
playing area the list of the run-
ning program can be seen. One
block on the list is highlighted;
This is the block under execu-
tion. In the middle part of gen-
eral displaying areas of feed and
revolution can be seen (provided
the number of displayed axes is
not more than six). The position
display is in the upper part of
general displaying area. In the
first column the current tool po-
sition in agreement with the se-
lected POSITION screen (see
the chapter 3.1), in the middle
column the distance to go position, while in the right one the end position can be seen.
3.2.2 FUNCTION Screen, Subprogram and Macro Levels
In the right-side subprogram
field of general displaying area
the active subprogram(s) can be
seen. Directly after the number
of the subprogram stands the
repetition number. The fields on
the bottom of general displaying
area show information on the
revolution state of spindle (M3,
M4, M5, M19), of the gear
range (M11, M12, M113,
M14,...), of the current tool
(Tnnnn), of auxiliary functions
(A, B and C), as well as of
further (in PLC program
defined) M codes.
The first column shows the position in agreement with the selected POSITION screen (see the
chapter 3.2), while the second one shows the distance to go position.