Chapter 6 Interactive Control Utility
© National Instruments Corporation 6-11 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
In this example, the addressing command bytes could not be transmitted to
the device. This indicates that either the GPIB device is powered off or the
GPIB cable is disconnected.
For a detailed list of the error codes and their meanings, refer to Chapter 4,
Debugging Your Application.
Count Information
When an I/O function completes, the Interactive Control utility displays the
actual number of bytes sent or received, regardless of the existence of an
error condition.
If one of the addresses in an address list is invalid, then the error is EARG
and the Interactive Control utility displays the index of the invalid address
as the count.
The count has a different meaning depending on which NI-488.2 call is
made. For the correct interpretation of the count return, refer to the function
descriptions in the NI-488.2 online help. For instructions on accessing the
online help, refer to the Using the NI-488.2 Documentation section in
About This Manual.