Appendix D Windows 98/95: Troubleshooting and Common Questions
© National Instruments Corporation D-3 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
Troubleshooting Device Manager Problems
If you are having trouble with your GPIB interface, use the Windows
Device Manager to troubleshoot your problems. To do so, complete the
following steps:
1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel.
2. Double-click on the System icon.
3. Select the Device Manager tab and click on the View devices by type
4. Check to see if the interface listing in the Device Manager appears with
an exclamation point or X by it. If it does, click on the interface listing
and then click on the Properties button to display the General
property tab for the interface.
5. In the Device Status section, look for the status description and status
code number. Use the status code descriptions and numbers in
Table D-1 to troubleshoot your problem.
Table D-1.
Device Manager Status Codes
Code Problem Solution
9 Windows had a problem reading
information from the GPIB interface.
This problem can occur if you are using
an older revision of the AT-GPIB/TNT+
or AT-GPIB/TNT (PnP) interface.
Contact National Instruments to upgrade
your GPIB interface.
22 The GPIB interface is disabled. To enable the GPIB interface, check the
appropriate configuration checkbox in the
Device Usage section of the General tab.
24 The GPIB interface is not present, or the
Device Manager is unaware that the
GPIB interface is present.
Select the interface in the Device Manager,
and click on the Remove button. Next, click
on the Refresh button. At this point, the
system rescans the installed hardware, and
the GPIB interface should show up without
any problems. If the problem persists, contact
National Instruments.
27 Windows was unable to assign the GPIB
interface any resources.
Free up system resources by disabling other
unnecessary hardware so that enough
resources are available for the GPIB